This is absolutely brilliant, and in such alignment with the book. I've gifted / shared / talked about that book with people and it has never felt not relevant. And right now (I live between the UK and parts of Europe) feeling more relevant than ever. I hope to see many joining this worldwide discussion.

Thank you for the abundance you bring to the world.

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This this this!

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So good, Thank you Didi for sharing this. You're doing mighty work. Thank you.

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Thank you so much, Leon!!! Lots more on the way...

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Something that really rung true to me that I read a couple of months ago; most of us are just one or two mistakes away from homelessness. And the "mistake" could be as simple as getting sick, the car breaking down and no longer able to get to work.

I have a sneaking suspicion if they taught kids at school about the power of the exponential function and about the dangers of debt then the economy would probably collapse.

If more people thought holistically about how to solve these problems like you've done here, working back to first principles, instead of applying bandaids, imagine! I'm becoming more and more convinced that the most powerful revolution there is, is to start loving your neighbours. You don't have to care about their opinions or their political affiliations, but look out for each other and step up and help each other out, be ready to ask and receive help. Especially in places like here in the Philippines where speaking against injustices too loudly can get you disappeared, the revolution is community community community.

Have you come across Adam Wilson's substack the Peasantry School?

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Hi Didi! I enjoyed reading your post. As I was reading, I realized that we have a very similar outlook and share a lot of the same interest. In my attempt to echo those similarities, I'd like to say that I too am a published author of a book titled Altarithm, Overcoming the BEAST. BEAST stands for: Biological Entities Allocating Systematic Technologies. I was so excited when I came across this section of your post: "Although in many ways science and technology have given us better lives, they also have been used—increasingly—to mine and manipulate the natural resources, biological systems, and communities we rely on for health." I am enthusiastically looking forward to learning more and becoming better suited to being of assistance/support to whatever community God leads me to. Regardless of where we may differ, I truly believe that God is up to something! It has truly been a pleasure!

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Hi Angela! I looked for your book but Amazon played tricks—could see it but not click on it. In any case, I’m very glad God is at work in sharing our work with each other!

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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

Hey! Sorry for the misunderstanding. I wasn't trying to make it about sharing our work. I just feel like we're on the same page when it comes to certain things. I apologize if it came off that way, and I'm a little embarrassed that it did. I don't like when people try to sell something on someone else's platform etc., and I was honestly not trying to sell a book. In truth, I only wanted to point out the similarities in subject matter. It was exciting to read something from someone who may have similar aspirations/goals.

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Thanks for all you are doing! I plan to pass this along to several groups and individuals who read and discuss the works of Daniel Quinn, among others. In the spirit of cooperation and connection, I would also like to post this on my Substack blog, to broaden your audience; with proper credit, of course. I would only ask that you return the favor, should any of my offerings seem enough in line with your message. That's an ask, not a 'requirement.' I am no 'expert' on anything. My essays are reflections on various aspects of our present predicaments. Anyway, lemme know, and thanks again. https://jstuckey.substack.com

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Thanks so much, John, several people ended up subscribing from your restacking the post. I will check out your page soon!

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